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Cassette alignment between wheelsets

Posted July 27, 2019 11:34PM by kyleiniowa in the Cycling Forum

kyleiniowa Kyle
Location: Iowa, USA
Joined: 5 years ago   Posts: 9

(Splitting this into it's own topic -S.)

Love this build, it looks awesome!!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm a bit of a new roadie, and curious. You mentioned here swapping out wheelsets, I'm assuming you have a cassette on each wheelset? How do you get the cassette in the exact same spot on both so you don't have to adjust your rear derailleur every time you swap wheelsets? Is there an easy way? I'm assuming there is a similar method to use the smart trainers with the cassette attached right to the drive of the unit also.


"Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades!"

2007 Trek 5200 OCLV w/Ultegra 6700
2012 Gary Fisher Advance
2016 Specialized Allez Sport w/Ultegra 6600

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2019 02:33PM by Skye.

Skye Skye Nott
@TheStaminist   5880115
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago   Posts: 542

The cassette should line up almost identically on every hub, within a few clicks of the RD barrel adjuster.

The dimensions are part of a spec that every hub manufacturer that I know of adheres to.

If you're using a 10spd cassette on an 11spd hub with a spacer and it's not aligned, make sure the spacer is the correct size (check with the hub manufacturer)

Hub dimensions diagram attached, 10 speed and 11 speed compared

Webmaster - Staminist.com


DT-Swiss-Shimano-11-speed-hub-diagram2.jpg 36.2 KB open | download

kyleiniowa Kyle
Location: Iowa, USA
Joined: 5 years ago   Posts: 9

Thanks very much, I appreciate the help! New to this forum, but looks really cool and helpful, I'll be around more!

"Don't buy upgrades, ride up grades!"

2007 Trek 5200 OCLV w/Ultegra 6700
2012 Gary Fisher Advance
2016 Specialized Allez Sport w/Ultegra 6600
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