What is WKO4? Watch the video below to get an overview of the functionality. The TrainingPeaks YouTube channel has lots more videos on the subject, if you want to know more.
Insight Accelerated - WKO4 is more than a reporting tool, it’s an analytical engine. Using your unique physiology, WKO4 will help you identify individual strengths and weaknesses. Plus, you have the flexibility to review the data that is most important to you. You’ll gain faster insights and have confidence in your training
Personally, I'll stick to GoldenCheetah for now, it does everything I need and the free price tag more than makes up for the quirky UI and occasional bug. The new Power Duration Model would be very interesting to see, though!
Cycling Forum
Posted: February 16, 2016 05:20PM
Views: 609 Admin
What are your favorite features? I've become a fan of the simplicity of the PMC chart this winter. Seeing the new power curve phenotypes would be interesting, but then again, I'm not sure how relevant that would be at my current level!
Quote MaineSeniorRacer
I am a long time user of WKO3+. WKO4 looks awesome from the video. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to start using it.