When do YOU begin training for next year's season?
* November (seems like a lot of pros have already started)
* December (get a jump on the holiday treats)
* January (New Years resolutions!)
* What training? I just ride
* What break? IWBMATTKYT
I like the idea of setting future goals and then working back to what I need to do today, and I find the
SMART criteria for goal setting very useful:
Specific - target a specific area for improvement
Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress
Assignable – specify who will do it (coach? nutritionist? physio?)
Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved
Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved
So my goals for 2016 are to ride the Triple Crown in North Vancouver on my own, and participate in the Whistler GranFondo. Using the SMART system, to achieve that I will improve long climbs (specific), by increasing my FTP and reducing my time up Cypress (measurable). I will do that by following online training plans (assignable) and try to stick to consistent 3-4 days a week riding of around 5-6 hours per week (realistic). My goal is to ride the Triple Crown by April/May and the Whistler Fondo is on September 10th (time).
When are you starting your training plan and what are your goal for next year?
What kind of plan are you following (indoor, outdoor, off-bike training, etc)?
Let us know by commenting below!