Listed to this recently and it reminded me that I was experimenting with dropping my pressure, and that for some reason I stopped around 90-100psi...
CyclingTips Podcast, Episode 9: Rethinking road bike tire sizes and pressures
Can’t quite allow yourself to believe that a 30mm tire at 70psi might be faster than a 23mm one at 100psi? Okay, but do yourself a favour and have a listen to what Poertner and Heine say about it — and keep an open mind, because what you feel, and what the numbers tell you, don’t always go hand in hand.
Based on Frank Berto's tire pressure chart, I've started running my Vittoria Corsa 25c tires at 80 psi front and 88 psi rear
No issues so far (ie pinch flats) and it smooths out cracked and rough pavement considerably
Note in the chart below the weight listed is
per wheel. I've seen some people extend the chart to the right, but that shouldn't be necessary. To get a really accurate number you should balance on the bike in your normal position (ie on the hoods) with a scale under each wheel to get a % difference in weight distribution front to rear, but I just guessed something between 50/50 and 45/55 (more weight & therefore more pressure in the rear obviously)