Skye Skye Nott
@TheStaminist   5880115
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago   Posts: 542

If you would like to suggest or upvote a new feature for Staminist, please post here:
Suggestion Box Forum

Staminist Features Coming Soon

- Embed support for Runkeeper activities
- Add Strava link and recent activities to user profile
- Account registration more details about sport interests etc
- Refactor user settings/control panel/PM interface
- Editor toolbar button to embed attached images in post body
- Twitter and Facebook latest topics news feeds
- Mobile interface

Staminist Features Completed

- Add latest activity to front page (2015-04-01)
- Embed support for Strava segments (2015-03-26)
- Switch from gravatar to locally managed avatar photos (2015-03-26)
- Ability to select different header photos in subforums (2015-03-25)
- Embed Strava activities (2015-03-13)
- Embed Instagram photos (2015-03-13)
- Photo attachment auto upload and resize (2015-03-10)

Staminist Features Trash Can

- Garmin Connect activity embed (API now behind paywall)
- TrainerRoad activity embed (no API)

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