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Zwift Workout Mode

Posted November 19, 2015 03:09PM by Skye in the Zwift Riders Forum

Skye Skye Nott
@TheStaminist   5880115
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago   Posts: 542

What are your favourite workouts in the new Zwift workout mode?

I've been doing quite a few of the SST (Sweet Spot Training) rides and the over/unders are a real kick in the butt!

Haven't done any of the interval sessions yet, I still find it kind of weird to sprint on the turbo trainer

Webmaster - Staminist.com


zwift-workout-mode-intervals.jpg 44.9 KB open | download

Skye Skye Nott
@TheStaminist   5880115
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Joined: 9 years ago   Posts: 542

Loving the new workout editor. I've been creating quite a few FTP Build workouts featuring FTP over/under intervals and longer Sweet Spot rides.

Thinking about creating an online database of workouts for people to upload and share, but not sure if Zwift has something like that in the works (I think I heard that they do)... don't want to duplicate effort. Would be really nice to calculate what the TSS is for various workouts, though.

Webmaster - Staminist.com
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